Management and Coordination System at the IKCLC
The management system of the college is aimed at improving the organization of the educational and training process and implementing professional educational programs.
The management of the college is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Charter of the college. According to the Charter, the overall leadership of the college is exercised by the Director. Within their authority, the Director issues orders, directives, instructions, and other administrative documents that are mandatory for all employees and students.
The structure of the college is based on three key departments – the "three pillars" that support all college activities: the Academic Department, the Student Affairs Department, and the International Cooperation Department, as well as other subdivisions. This organizational structure helps maintain the college's competitive advantages in the educational services market.
The main goal of all structural units of the IKCLC is to create conditions for improving the quality of training specialists in professional and technical education in the offered specialties.
The highest governing body of the educational process is the Pedagogical Council, which considers and approves the main directions of the college’s development.
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