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Code of Professional Ethics and Honor for College Faculty and Staff

Code of Professional Ethics and Honor for College Faculty and Staff

General Provisions

This Code establishes the principles, rules of interaction, and standards of conduct for college faculty and staff.
It is developed based on the college's mission, policies, quality objectives, and values. Faculty and staff voluntarily commit to adhering to the principles, norms, and rules of professional communication and behavior outlined in this Code.
The Code applies to all college employees, including management, and is published on the college's official website.

Regulatory References

The Code is developed in accordance with legal and regulatory acts and is based on universally recognized moral principles and norms of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

  • The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan (August 30, 1995)
  • Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (November 23, 2015, No. 414-V ZRK)
  • Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education" (July 27, 2007, No. 319-II)
  • Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Combating Corruption" (November 18, 2015, No. 410-V ZRK)
  • Order of the Acting Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Approval of the Rules of Pedagogical Ethics" (November 18, 2015, No. 9)

Principles of Pedagogical Ethics

The ethical and moral standard of faculty and staff is based on integrity, loyalty to the college's interests, and commitment to professional duty. Faculty and staff must adhere to the following principles:

  1. Patriotism:

    • Upholding the college's reputation and values, fostering pride and respect for the Republic of Kazakhstan, its symbols, and the college.
  2. Integrity:

    • Taking responsibility for educational outcomes, constructively accepting criticism, and maintaining openness to student and colleague feedback.
  3. Honesty:

    • Ensuring transparency in educational activities and upholding the rights of students, parents, and colleagues.
  4. Respect for Human Dignity:

    • Treating students, parents, and colleagues with respect, avoiding physical, moral, or psychological abuse.
  5. Respect for Universal Values:

    • Promoting cultural diversity, fostering respect for all individuals regardless of nationality, language, gender, or social status.
  6. Professional Solidarity:

    • Supporting colleagues in their professional growth, respecting their dignity, and avoiding actions that undermine trust or create conflict.
  7. Continuous Professional Development:

    • Enhancing skills, knowledge, and creativity to meet professional standards.

Standards of Professional and Service Ethics

Faculty and staff are expected to:

  • Foster high moral values and respect for cultural heritage among students.
  • Avoid actions that discredit their professional standing.
  • Continuously improve their professional competence and adhere to workplace discipline.
  • Prevent corruption and set an example of fairness and integrity.
  • Maintain professionalism in appearance and behavior, adhere to a business dress code, and demonstrate courtesy and respect.

Ethical Standards of Interaction

  1. With Students:
    • Respect students' dignity and provide positive, justified guidance.
    • Avoid financial or other exploitation of students.
    • Encourage students’ motivation and confidence.
  2. With Colleagues:
    • Respect colleagues’ qualifications and avoid public criticism.
    • Foster collaboration, share knowledge, and maintain professional decorum.
  3. With External Partners:
    • Act ethically and professionally when interacting with external organizations, maintaining the college’s reputation.

Consequences of Violating the Code

Violations of the Code are considered incompatible with the status of a college employee and are addressed during Methodological Council meetings. Penalties may include:

  • Recommendations for public apologies.
  • Disciplinary measures such as verbal or written warnings.
  • Termination of employment for severe breaches.

This Code promotes an ethical and professional environment that reflects the college's commitment to excellence and integrity.




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